
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi Friends!!

    Wow wow wow!!! I just cannot even describe how thankful I am for all of you!! I am officially a third of the way to reaching my fundraising goal and I am blown away by everyone’s generosity. I just wanted to give y’all a little update on how fundraising has been going! 🙂

     I am not going to lie, fundraising is HARD. The first month was very promising because everyone was reading my blog for the first time and hearing about my plans. Donations began pouring in and I felt confident that I would reach my fundraising goal in just a few months … boy was I wrong! After the initial excitement, things began to slow down. And by slow down, I mean that it came to a screeching halt. I plateaued at about $1,300 and sat there for quite a while! I felt that I had talked to and asked the majority of people I knew for support and I wasn’t sure how I could continue to raise funds. Fast forward to November, and my mom had the amazing idea of sending out a note explaining my plans for next year with our yearly Christmas cards! Again, the funds began to come through and I began to get excited! But, just as quickly as they started, donations stopped. I felt that it was up to me to get the funds I needed for my trip next year. I felt that I needed to say the right thing, put on a fun event, or push out enough posts to reach my goal. I became paralyzed by the fear of messing up, so much so that I could not even bring myself to write another blog post. That, however, was the problem. I had failed to remember that none of this is up to me. This trip and these funds are not mine, but God’s. I can never do enough, say enough, or create enough… but He can. Through this process I am learning to trust in God’s timing and His abilities rather than my own. I’ve been blown away by everyone’s generosity and am so thankful for our God that provides. I know that this journey will not be as simple, or straightforward as I would prefer, but I am trusting that His ways are higher than mine!

MY GOAL throughout this fundraising process is that it would not become an assignment, but that it would instead be another means of ministry and community. I want each person that comes alongside me to understand that they too are a part of my plans for next year. They are helping to fund this ministry and the helping hands we hope to bring to this world! We are in this together and we are serving God together. 

Time allowing, I hope to host a few fundraising events and projects this upcoming semester!! A few of our ideas include: 

-a car wash

-a movie night

-a dessert gathering

-selling some merch! (Think sweatshirts and tshirts)

-hosting an auction


*COMMENT down below and let me know which ideas are your favorites!! Feel free to send suggestions too!! The more ideas the better 🙂

*IF YOU feel lead to donate I would appreciate anything you are willing to send my way!! Easiest way to do this is by clicking the donate button on the main page of my blog! Make sure to subscribe for more updates! (I promise I won’t spam you!!)

*Last but not least, make sure you go check out all of my fellow racers’ pages! I’ve already grown to love them all so so much and they have such incredible stories for you to read about!


His love and mine,

Lydia Grace

Psalm 73:28  “But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge; that I may tell of all your works.”

4 responses to “1/3 of the Way There!!”

  1. Yay Lydia!!! You are an inspiration to us all! I love you so much and I know you can do this! Love the merch idea too!
    Philippians 1:11

  2. Lydia, this is AMAZING and you are, too! Hayden is 100% correct. You are an inspiration to us all. We will pray for you, as you fundraise and prepare for everything the Lord has planned for you. He will provide your every need. Trust in Him. We are so proud of you!!